an early valentine's, 12 years late
I've never been a fan of Valentines.
You'd think a poet could compose a card:
I've tried to rhyme; I'm honestly no good
at it. I'd buy you chocolates, but we eat
a giant bar each night while rushing papers.
And flowers make you sneeze. Perhaps I should
attempt some glorious death-defying feat...
but I see you've kept a list of vetoed capers.
Love-letters make you laugh. Dinner? I fear
I'm not much of a gourmet chef, my dear.
But come, this day has better use than prove
that nothing's worth the weight (and wait) of love --
So here's a joy you're meant to soon discard:
Sit down with me. Let's share these clementines.
29 January 2004 11:04 hours