a civil servant preps his staff
"In 2000, Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong announced several measures, including the Children Development Co-Savings Scheme, or Baby Bonus, to address the issue of low fertility." I'll prep the meeting room; go find the budget. Slay all the sacred cows and seize the day: It's life and death you know, so let's not fudge it. Our side's been slacking; we shall have to nudge it, Before Foreign Affairs get in the way: Whoever lasts the longest gets the budget. We'll lasso in Manpower to enlarge it, Extend the scope and boundaries of play; You can trust the Home Team expert; he won't fudge it. I know the Finance figures will begrudge it, And yes, there's no assurance this will pay; But stay the course and we shall win the budget. Health says we're good to go, so don't pre-judge it, Just let the Feedback process have its say; The ground's too sweet right now for us fudge it. Environment's ideal to follow through; let's budge it. The extra bonus will more than defray our hidden costs. No, it won't blow our budget: Now, do your Nation proud, madam. Don't fudge it.